
少年とリス A Boy's Squirrel



作曲者である当時小2の男の子は、その作品に「Squirrel Chase」という題名をつけました。リスを追いかけて、最後まで捕まえられなかった場面を描くことで、リスに対する愛情や、その神秘性に対する崇敬が、子どもらしい純朴なタッチで表現されていました。


              Title: A Boy’s Squirrel

While flicking through the pages of the latest issue ( January 2017) of an American music publication, I was delighted to find an article featuring a composition from one of my students entitled “Squirrel Chase.”

The student who is 8 years old included an illustration along with his interpretation of the music in this narrative style article.

He wrote, “This piece is about a boy chasing a squirrel. First it goes slow but then it gets faster. Finally, the squirrel runs away and goes back to the forest. The squirrels are so cute, but I could never catch them.”

I hope all people who learn piano are creative and enjoy their own music!

