
七面鳥と一緒に演奏しよう。 Musical Turkey







Musical Turkey

It's Thanksgiving Day today. In the US, it's thought of as just as important as Christmas. Traditionally, turkey is served on the day and there are several theories regarding how it came to be the meal of choice.

The main historical famous event that eventually led to Thanksgiving was when the Pilgrims came from England to Continental America on the ship, The mayflower. They were helped by American native inhabitants who gave them food, seeds and taught them agricultural techniques. As an expression of thanks, the Pilgrims served dishes such as turkey to the people who had helped and welcomed them. This is thought to be one of the main origins of today’s "turkey holiday". The first president of the United States, George Washington made the first National Thanksgiving Proclamation on October 3rd in 1789. Then, in 1846 an author named Sara Joseph Hale campaigned strongly to make it an official US national holiday. Nowadays, the eating of turkeys may be more widely connected to Thanksgiving among some people than the actual history leading up to the day itself!

By the way, here is a short riddle related to Thanksgiving Day.

Q: Why did the turkey play percussion?

Try to think of words related to both percussion and the bird. Then you
will find the answer!

