
Differences between Thai and Japanese Schools - From an Educational Perspective

Hello everyone, Many students from various foreign countries come to my classroom. Today, a primary school student from Thailand shared the differences between Japanese and Thai schools.

There may be regional differences, but generally, Thai primary schools have larger grounds. Also, the exterior of the schools is stylish. Looking at it, many Japanese schools are often inorganic buildings. Thai schools are beautifully designed with plants and harmonize with the landscape.

What the child spoke about with sparkling eyes was the existence of a “snack area” in the school. During break time, students can freely purchase snacks sold within the school and eat them on the spot. Potato chips, tapioca, watermelon, and juice seem to be popular.

Also, there is a significant difference between Thai and Japanese schools regarding music. In Thai schools, music classes are highly valued. Students can freely pick up instruments and enjoy music. This reflects the Thai culture that perceives music as a part of daily life.

On the other hand, music classes also occupy an important position in Japanese schools, but the style of education may be different. However, in my piano classroom, I encourage students to enjoy music freely. Like Thai schools, I want to provide an environment where music can be perceived and enjoyed as a part of daily life.

That was the story about the differences between Thai and Japanese schools that I learned in my piano classroom. Next time, I will share new discoveries and learnings in my classroom, so stay tuned!

