




               Performance butterflies!

It is approaching mid September. You've probably seen a lot of flyers about advertising various autumn concerts. I myself am involved in one such musical event, called STEP, and it'll be on next month.

My students who will be performing, have already had some opportunities to play on the stage, as kind of quasi-rehearsals, if you will. Most of them said the same thing to me, ‘It sounded so much better at home….’ This phenomenon is commonly known as ‘stage fright’.
Those suffering from it experience some unusual things. As it can effect your sense of direction, one time, a person bowed to the piano instead of the audience! Another person was unable to walk onto the stage normally as his body was out of control, instead he made his way to the piano by walking right leg, right leg, left leg, left leg! Another nervous performer who was supposed to play a piece in an A, B, A formation, played only the beginning part of A and ended it right there, thinking they were done! Then there was the poor pianist who when attempting to sit in the bench to play, missed it completely and ended up on her backside on the floor!

These kinds of incidents happen to the most of us, so don't worry if you do something similar! If you do feel a panic coming on, take a deep breath. Bear in mind that the most important thing is to convey your affection towards the music to your audience. By doing this, you will earn their support as if they were one of your friends!

