
“Music and Culture: The Process of Forming Musical Preferences”

Hello, everyone. In our last blog, we explored the topic of “Why do the Japanese love Chopin?” This time, let’s delve deeper into the process of how musical preferences are formed.

Musical preferences are greatly influenced by individual culture and sensibilities. However, the process of how these elements shape our musical preferences is quite complex.

Environment: The environment in which we grew up is the first step in forming our musical preferences. The music we heard from our parents or siblings during childhood, the music taught in school, and the music popular in our local community all lay the foundation for our musical preferences.

Social Influence: Influences from friends and media are also crucial in shaping our musical preferences. We may develop new musical preferences by listening to music that is trending or music that our friends like.

Individual Experiences: The events and emotions we experience also affect our musical preferences. If a particular song is associated with a specific memory or emotion, we tend to like that song.

These elements combine to form individual musical preferences. In our next blog, we will look more closely at how these elements interact with each other.

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