
Take a bite into 2020! 大晦日に現れる怖~い人物!

今年も残すところ一日となりましたね。大晦日に歌う曲といえば、皆さんは何を思い浮かべますか?やはり、「蛍の光」がダントツで浮上することでしょう!この曲の原題は、スコットランド語によって書かれた詩 'Auld Lang Syne (Old Long Since)’ によりますから、直訳すれば「遠い昔」となります。





Take a bite into 2020!

There's only one day left of 2019. How do you usually bring in the new year as the clock strikes midnight? Many people probably do it with a certain song, ‘Auld Lang Syne’ .

As you may know, the title ‘Auld Lang Syne’ originally comes from a Scottish poem. Directly translated it means 'old long since' but it is often used idiomatically to express 'Old times', or 'Long, long ago'.

Keep this information in mind as it will help you with the final
puzzle of this year.

Q: What do vampires sing on New Year's Eve?

I'd like to express my sincere gratitude here to all the support from
students, parents and many other people throughout the year. I wish you a peaceful and pleasant 2020!

