
原典版と手稿譜 Urtext vs Manuscript

Hello everybody!

When starting a new piece, quite a lot of students ask me which edition they should get.

I get the feeling the majority of them tend to favor the urtext because it is the closest to the composer’s original vision.

Indeed, since students tend to follow what is written in the publications when practicing, it is natural that they prefer to get editions free of any adjustments by other people.

However, it is wrong that to simply assume that the urtext is exactly the same as what the composers actually wrote. Only the hand-written manuscripts by the composers themselves can be said to be fully authentic.

However, even in the unlikely event we miraculously manage to borrow one of these from a museum, we would then be faced with utter confusion upon seeing the piece in its originally intended form. I’m pretty sure anyone who has ever seen an old score in the composer's own hand writing would know right away what I mean.

Therefore, we do need revisers who enable us to play the music as it was originally written.

Urtext is defined as editions with minimal interpretations and input from another person. These are essential for advanced level students who need them for their specialized studies.

On the contrary, the definition of an interpreted edition is one which has been revised by another person. This is useful for both beginners who have difficulty performing the pieces in the style the composer intended, and people who wish to refer to an alternative portrayal besides that of the urtext.

It follows that as there is no such thing as a 'perfect' composer, then no completely trustworthy manuscripts exist at all. In addition, since they will have no doubt rewritten their works at some point with the benefit of hindsight, some will have inadvertently created multiple versions of the same piece resulting in further confusion for us.

The criteria contained in the definition of ‘minimal’ varies from person to person. Therefore, even in a urtext, we see a lot of differences and inconsistencies particularly in those oeuvre created in times past such as the classic/baroque periods.

On the subject of urtext, the Vienna, Henle, and Bärenreiter-Verlag editions are widely known for being the authorized versions. However, many more different editions described as ‘urtext’ exist, and each of those has its own interpretations. A surprising example would be that of J. S. Bach’s Invention, which is said to have tens of urtexts!

The interpretations of/perspectives toward the term ‘urtext’ will no doubt vary depending on the individual time period of the compositions, not to mention the fact that every time new research brings up any fresh findings, they undergo further revisions.

For the reasons above, each Henle reprint even of the same edition will gradually see small changes each time it is published. Taking a quick look at the final pages of your urtexts will show you how often/in what year they were changed.

All this comes down to meaning that no editions exist which are completely faithful to the original concept of the composer. Keep in mind that even the word “urtext” which carries a certain feeling of authority, is nothing more than a reflection of the subjective ideas of a reviser.

Bärenreiter-Verlag editions don’t include finger numbers, which is reasonable because many composers from the past also didn’t add finger numbers to their original works. However, going by my own students' complaints about how this makes it hard to use these Bärenreiter-Verlag editions I personally believe they have no place in my own piano class.

I usually teach Bach’s Inventions using three critical editions plus other materials that have analyzed it besides the major urtexts.

As for the differences among each critical edition, the discrepancies in each one are obvious. Moreover, the fact that each edition adopts different fingerings that often confuse musicians/learners shows that no urtext can be a re-emergence of the composer's actual vision.

It is my sincere hope that rather than favoring and following blindly that which is printed on the paper, students penetrate the real depths of the music that usually remain hidden. In doing this, they will be able to appreciate the music and enjoy playing the piano!

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